#===============================================================# # CS.HUJI.AC.IL Listar mailing lists # # Mail lists and owners for the Listar Mailing List Manager. # #===============================================================# # This file is maintainted by the Listar owner. The alias # # listar-owner is defined in /etc/aliases for reliability. The # # alias listar is defined in the resulting listar alias file, # # because Listar must run under its own UID. # #===============================================================# # All the aliases (and the values) for which case doesn't # # matter must be written in lowercase. /usr/bin/newaliases # # (a.k.a. exim -bi) must be run after editing this file. # #===============================================================# # The format of the file: # # Comments start with '#' and continue to end of line. Empty # # lines are skipped. # # Entries are of the form: # # listname: owner@e-mail.address # # Whitespace is insignificant. # # If owner is omitted, listar-owner is assumed. # #===============================================================# # Foo and Bar lists foo-list bar-list # Baz list is maintained by John Bazman baz-list: bazman # Quux List is maintained by the owner at another domain. quux-list: quuxer@another.domain