The Hand of Eris

This is The Five-Fingered Hand of Eris, also known as The Hand of Eris, or just The Hand. It is drawn by making two arrows whose heads intersect. That doesn't mean that's what it is, it's just a convenient way to describe it, much as a seething whirlpool of Destructive Order, strewing bad mojo all about the landscape, creating death, despair, destruction and devolution while appearing, to the undiscerning eye, to be attempting to make the world a better place, can be conveniently described with a label like "Pat Buchanan."

The Hand is one of Eris' more mysterious revelations to Malaclypse the Younger. And that's saying something. It also looks nifty on t-shirts or possibly even as a tattoo.

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About This Page:

This Page was written by St. Marc in Adobe GoLive 5.0. It was first put online on Sweetmorn, the Ninth of Aftermath, 3166 (for those of you on Region of Thud time, that's Saturday, October 28, 2000.) It was last modified on Sweetmorn, the Third of Discord, 3167 (likewise, that's Saturday, March 17, 2001.) All Original Content including graphics is (C) 2000, 2001 Eris. If you can get Her permission, you can copy whatever you want. Consult your pineal gland for licensing information.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!