What Happens After?

Heck if we know. The Principia is silent on the matter and Goddess just makes up whatever story happens to amuse Her at the moment. Most Discordians do believe in an Afterlife, or at least an After-Life. This can be justified as follows:

"You didn't exist before you were born, and that didn't last, now did it?

So why shouldn't you keep existing after you die? The thing doesn't seem to be very sequential. The Discordian Sect of St. Marc the Perpetually Amused finds reincarnation no sillier than any other theory set forth so far and it sounds a lot less tedious in the long run than running around in white robes strumming harps. So for right now we're sticking with that one.

Discordians do not believe in Hell, at least not for Discordians. At least not smart Discordians. This is primarily because it's a stupid idea, although imagining Hitler and Pat Robertson forced to share a hot tub of molten sulfur for all eternity does have a certain guilty appeal.

The other reason we don't believe in Hell is the Hell Law, which is found in the Principia and warns us thusly:

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it. Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

(HBT; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1)

So we see that believing in Hell is the ultimate Sucker Bet - you can't win, because you can't lose. Come and play with us. You can't lose, because you can't win - but you won't want to quit the Game.

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About This Page:

This Page was written by St. Marc in Adobe GoLive 5.0. It was first put online on Setting Orange, the Thirteenth of Aftermath, 3166 (for those of you on Region of Thud time, that's Wednesday, November 1, 2000.) It was last modified on Sweetmorn, the Third of Discord, 3167 (likewise, that's Saturday, March 17, 2001.) All Original Content including graphics is (C) 2000, 2001 Eris. If you can get Her permission, you can copy whatever you want. Consult your pineal gland for licensing information.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!